
  Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog! I wanted a place to be able to write my thoughts, family updates, ideas, recipes, stories, and who knows what else. I am new to blogging so I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing, but I will learn as I go and I hope you'll follow along with me.

I recently deleted all mainstream social media so if you are a friend or family member who is wondering where I've gone, here I am! I am much happier without social media and I'm realizing that life is so much simpler when you aren't worried you'll miss something from someone you never talk to or see outside of Instagram or Facebook. 

The time I would normally spend on Instagram is now being spent as more quality time with my family, taking care of my house, or just sitting and thinking while I stare out the window. It's wonderful. 

I hope you enjoy this blog. I can't wait to see what it becomes.

Thanks for reading!



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